Black and White / Books / Neisha's 2¢

Sistahs on the Shelf: Your Go-To Resource for Black Lesbian Literature

If you’re anything like me, you have an insatiable appetite for qwoc-oriented literature.  And if you’re anything like me, you can never seem to find the time to scour the internet or comb through countless aisles in public libraries or bookstores [yes, they still exist] in search for the latest releases.   What is it they always say?  “Time is of the essence” –especially if you’re always on the go.   I eventually resolved that, until I could carve out a solid block of time to roll my sleeves up and do some digging, I’d have to suffer through life without my weekly intake of lesbian fiction.

However, before I could pull out the violin, I stumbled across this amazing website that seemed to be the answer to my prayers:, an online resource for fans of black lesbian literature!  YES!

Sisters on the Shelf offers convenient access to a wide range of features that would make any book lover’s nether regions quiver.  From exclusive interviews to comprehensive reviews, you’ll find everything you’re looking for on this site.  There’s even a discussion forum, so you’re never too far removed from a digital book club.  Ever since stopped updating (don’t act like I’m the only one whose prepubescent life was made when she discovered that site. Ah, the memories.), I’ve been seriously deficient of “Wine, Book, and Blanket Time.”  But not anymore!  Now, I’m just a click away from a comprehensive catalogue of black lesbian literature.  *steps onto soapbox* It’s important that we support each other and I’m an automatic fan of any organization that focuses on enriching and empowering the lives of qwoc. *steps down and adjusts tie* So, be sure to visit and get into some of these amazing authors!

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